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Biology Class 9th Textual Questions.
14: The main difference between these two cells is that prokaryotic cells do not have a nuclear membrane. The nuclear material consists of a single chromosome and lies in the cytoplasm. The nuclear region in the cytoplasm is called nucleoid. Membrane-bound organelles are absent. Prokaryotic cells are found in bacteria and cynobacteria (blue green algae).
Eukaryotic cells are complete. These cells contain membrane bound organelles. The organisms which contain this type of cell are called Eukaryotes.
15. Write difference between plant cell and Animal cell?
Plant cell. |. Animal cell
1. Cell wall is 1. Cell wall is absent.
Present. 2. Chloroplasts are
2. Chloroplasts. absent.
are present. 3. Vacuoles are
3. Nucleus is. generally absent.
Pushed near the cell. 4. Nucleus is
Membrane by the generally near at
Central vacuole. the cell.
4. Plant cells are 5. Animal cells are
LargerThan animal. generally small in
cells. Size.
5 . Big vacuole is
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